Saturday, November 28, 2009

Study mode

I got the antibiotic for the 'writing blog' disease. Thats why I stop writing for a while! But I got new disease called 'watching movies with besties N & E'
But it feels good to have this new disease, I like =P

ok ok
back to reality... I really2 need to study right now!
I repeat... I really need to study
Its really just just just around the corner!
Got to go!
See u when the I get immune to the antibiotic

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Diseasesssss attacked us!

Due to flooding last Friday, we got one week of until 30th nov.. Neurophysio exam is postponed to 8th Dec instead of 1st Dec.. Although we save from the flood but we are attacked by somekind of diseases... really bad diseasesssssss

Announcing the arrival of the scary bad diseases that can destroy the world.. i mean my world!




LAZY D is very dangerous and smart disease. He always knows how to trick me with something else besides study (like writing this post). He is very clever because he knows all my weaknesses and he will try to distract me in every angles. I know him very well but still I always fall into his trap, I just can help it! He is too charming to avoid! =P

Next is FAT D. He is very cute and sweet. He always makes me like eating something again and again (such as eat cereals, toasts and chips at 10 pm). He always makes me feel good and happy after eating like its not a big deal to eat late.

The last one is SLEEPING D, the most most powerful disease among all. He is very handsome, romantic, sweet talker and charming. He is really good in making me sleep at anytime possible. Lately, he makes me sleep like crazy. I will sleep after having my dinner at about 8 pm, then I wake up at 10 pm (here, he makes plan with FAT D and get me to eat) then I will like study a lil bit (more movies) until like 3 or 4 am. Then I sleep until 12 pm and only have about 4 hours of bright day. He really makes me crazy!

But, really even I know all their tricks, I still cant avoid them... They will find me no matter where I go..

p/s: all my diseasessss are HE, thats why i couldnt avoid them. They really got me =P
They must be very proud, I waste my time writing about them, damn!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon was crazy fantastic!

New Moon was awesome!

It was crazy fantastic!

Edward Cullen is charming and hot as usual

I love Italy scene

Volturi really looks like royal family and so powerful

Cant wait for Eclipse!

I wanna watch more actions when the Cullens and Werewolf fight with the newborns!

Edward Edward all over my head!

Announcing Edward Cullen as my sudden crush =P

Friday, November 20, 2009

another DRUG!

This is another collection of my drugs!

Congrates guys!

Good Luck for AJL 24!

p/s: actually this estranged group is not my drug.
To be more specific, its the hot cool guy in red t-shirt, he is my drug called Andymorphine or you can call him Andy =P

New Moon countdown!

LESS than 24 hours!

dupp! dupp! dupp!

OMG I am soooooo excited!

Finally I'll see him again!

I hope its worth to wait

New Moon here I come!

Saturday, 12.45pm

Mahon Point!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm the guy for you!

I'm the guy for you, you'll see!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Letter to Mr Director

Dear Mr Director,

I hate about what happened this week's episode! Thats totally unfair to Brooke. Shes meant to be a mom and she would be a great mom! OMG what happen to this series! The storyline become more ridiculous week by week. First, you kicked Lucas and added people who dont have any relation to last 6 seasons, what a 'brilliant' idea! Lucas married Peyton also was a stupid idea. Lucas and Brooke should get married and get the baby. Thats how it sholud be! Poor Brooke, didnt get Lucas and the baby. Please make this series more interesting. I'm sick of the dramas week by week. Although i think Julian and Clay are HOT but i really need Lucas back! He is the series! He is One Tree Hill!

"People always leave. Sometimes they come back!"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One piece of addiction

This is one of my many addictions! OTH is the most powerful drug i guess. I did it myself (except the picture).



Monday, November 16, 2009


I was in a very happy mood just now! I wrote long post about my current crush. Then suddenly, whoooopppssssss its gone! shuuutttttt

Now, im in a very unhappy mood! I'll write about it again when my happy mood come back!

People always leave... sometimes they come back...

Happy mood always run... i hope it comes back...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is awsome!


Currently, music is my interest! I wanna try to learn at least one instrument in my life and as i bought keyboard last year, so i thought maybe i can start with that one first. But, my major problem is i cant coordinate my left hand. According to what i learned, talent in music located in right hemisphere which is dominant in left handed people, so basically i dont have nature music talent in me, so to create the talent, i need to work harder, hahaha
I found this clip while stalking my friend's profile and i think this is really cool!



This is actually my 4th blog since i was born. I hope this time i wont be too lazy to update my blog like my last blogs. This blog is basically about my life which is full of dramas, my addictions, my favorite series, dramas, songs, guys and maybe if im in a good mood ill post about my current crush, hehe
I'll also post about my interests which are changing throughout the year and i hope when i get old, i can count how many interests i have per year, hahaha


  • 1- i want to design my own clothes and if im lucky i want to create my own brand
  • 2- i want to learn how to play as many musical instruments as i can

The 1st Follower Award

The 1st Follower Award
The Winner is Nadia




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