Monday, November 16, 2009


I was in a very happy mood just now! I wrote long post about my current crush. Then suddenly, whoooopppssssss its gone! shuuutttttt

Now, im in a very unhappy mood! I'll write about it again when my happy mood come back!

People always leave... sometimes they come back...

Happy mood always run... i hope it comes back...


  1. T_T asal bleeeeeeeey gone??!!
    frust arr!!
    tulis blik arrr!!!

  2. nnt ag, penat aku dok berjiwang td.. cesssss gle ag, bengang tol!
    mlm2 kang kalo mood jiwang dtg aku tulih, hehe

  3. semangat nk tguu, bkn nye ko xtau, kn aku dh cite kt ko, hahaha



  • 1- i want to design my own clothes and if im lucky i want to create my own brand
  • 2- i want to learn how to play as many musical instruments as i can

The 1st Follower Award

The 1st Follower Award
The Winner is Nadia




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