Sunday, October 31, 2010

sunday blurrrsss

today i didnt sleep after morning prayer.... what the unsual me! dont get the wrong idea, i didnt go back to sleep not bcoz i studied instead i watched chun hee, hehehehe but need to stop that and start study now... RD exam just a few days from now... i need to work on my brain!

[Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]

Saturday, October 30, 2010

writing blog from iphone? thats sooo cool!

Now i can update my blog from my iphone! im soooooo super excited! hehehe
Mobile Blogging from here.


  • 1- i want to design my own clothes and if im lucky i want to create my own brand
  • 2- i want to learn how to play as many musical instruments as i can

The 1st Follower Award

The 1st Follower Award
The Winner is Nadia




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