Sunday, November 7, 2010

what i did this weekend!

it was a bored weekend like usual! but it was a lil bit productive i guess bcoz i finished all my laundries.... (productive in my own definition, hehehe) usually i didnt finish all and i would stress out all the weekdays bcoz of the clothes hanging around in my room! i went to the city on saturday to buy groceries and i went to Debenham, to see the bag... AGAIN!! it was the 3rd time i went to see it and i didnt buy it... but nadia said ill eventually buy it, later or sooner... hahaha i really like that bag, but its way expensive... myb ill wait until boxing day and hope the price will go down... or myb i cant wait! hahaha btw, i bought nail polish and painted my nails... damn bored, thats all i could do the whole weekend... so pathetic! lol

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a long day of thursday

tommorow is thursday... most people like it bcoz its almost the weekend... but for me its gonna be a very long day! every thursday ill have clinic session which is soooo tiring... eventhough im just a patient tmrw as its still not my turn, u can still feel tiredness when u have to open ur mouth for hours! after that, ill have prosthetic exam tmrw where i have to make wax rim (gum to make full denture)... i hope everything will go well... to make it worse, i have local anasthetic lecture at 4, nice! hahaha btw, thats 'lumrah' for being a student right?! i accept it, but sometimes i just feel like sighing about it, bcoz it makes me feel good, hehehe i forgot to say that tmrw my class starts at 8.30, crazy early! i hope ill wake up and go to pharm class, if not see ya at 9.30 up in the clinic, hehehe... please God, give me strength to wake up early tmrw so u wont have to skip pharm!

p/s: stars are farrrr and impossible, thats what always happend to me!


  • 1- i want to design my own clothes and if im lucky i want to create my own brand
  • 2- i want to learn how to play as many musical instruments as i can

The 1st Follower Award

The 1st Follower Award
The Winner is Nadia




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