Sunday, November 7, 2010

what i did this weekend!

it was a bored weekend like usual! but it was a lil bit productive i guess bcoz i finished all my laundries.... (productive in my own definition, hehehe) usually i didnt finish all and i would stress out all the weekdays bcoz of the clothes hanging around in my room! i went to the city on saturday to buy groceries and i went to Debenham, to see the bag... AGAIN!! it was the 3rd time i went to see it and i didnt buy it... but nadia said ill eventually buy it, later or sooner... hahaha i really like that bag, but its way expensive... myb ill wait until boxing day and hope the price will go down... or myb i cant wait! hahaha btw, i bought nail polish and painted my nails... damn bored, thats all i could do the whole weekend... so pathetic! lol

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  • 1- i want to design my own clothes and if im lucky i want to create my own brand
  • 2- i want to learn how to play as many musical instruments as i can

The 1st Follower Award

The 1st Follower Award
The Winner is Nadia




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